How white is a white rose?
Friday, July 15, 2005
Thursday, July 14, 2005
white rose
Why white rose? well... the story will brought us to consider my father interest's of roses when he came up with the idea of my name and also my sister's. My first name is rosewitha....for Indonesian, the name might be uncommon, why rosewitha with 'h' why not just rosewita? It might sound silly...but my father really fond of roses and he named his daughters after the flower. I asked my father once why he gave me the name rosewitha? and he told me that he loves white roses and my name reveals the see...white rose become rosewitha. Yeah.....I sounds ackward...but turns out OK....I love my name, it's beautiful, don't you think? and most of all....I become fond of white roses which represent friendship. Friends are your precious me!Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Tired and starving
Here I am at 22.23, still at the office, just finished reviewing the exchange student agreement between my faculty and one of leading university in singapore. The agreement seems simple, but the implication is not. There's a lot to be working of, but I think the chances are worth. Our curricullum is in Bahasa, but now it's time to have a bilingual curriculum which include courses, course descriptions... and a lot more, and may be a translator for the exchange student from singapore. Hmm.... challenging....I like that. So many things to think of, so many thing to consider with so many consequences.Guess it's time for us to rock! going internationally!
Too excited but still....I am tired and starving....hiks..
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Hari ini gw capek banget....padahal perasaan sih pekerjaan hari ini biasa aja. Mungkin gw capek mikirin kerjaan-kerjaan yg masih menunggu untuk dikerjakan masih belum sempet gw kerjain. Ada revisi terakhir tulisan buat jurnal, bikin draft manual, review MoU...belum lagi gw dah harus mengerjakan lay out buku pedoman yang deadline minggu ini....aduh baru mikirinnya aja gw dah berasa hectic. Mungkin daftar kerjaan kali ya yang bikin gw capek.Kalo mikirin kerjaan koq kayaknya bikin bete.....tapi sering banget lho gw merasakan bahwa bekerja bikin hidup gw lebih 'hidup' . Pekerjaan buat gw adalah tantangan, semakin berat tantangan semakin semangat gw mengerjakannya dan gw merasa puas banget kalo pekerjaan itu bisa gw selesaikan dengan baik dan mendapat respon yang baik juga.
Pfff......capek tapi senang.
What I need now is sate padang hehehe....kalo urusan makan gak boleh ketinggalan.