Turning Point Moment.......

Gosh, I just have a birthday, my 28th birtday. I don't plan anything for my birthday coz I'm upset. I'm waiting and thinking what's gonna happen when I'm 28? Every birthday since my 25th birthday has been a turning point moment of my life. I had a happy moment when I'm turning 25, met someone that I thought will be the one I spend my whole life with and the story continue....I had the moment. When I'm turning 26 I got a scholarship to continue my education abroad which put me away from my loved one for a while. Everyday of studying was a torture, not because of the study but because I missed my love very much. My concetration was devided between study and love one. I try to finish my study on time so I can go home and meet him. But at that time destiny was like playing game with me. I found that my love one turned his back from me and I had to fight to get every moment back. It didn't work and I had to fight alone, the end of the result is a break up, just 2 days before my 27th birthday. Just Perfect!
So I decided for my 28th birthday I don't want to celebrate anything, I just wanna be alone. But when I thought I will have the coldest moment alone, God proved me that I'm wrong. Just after midnight of turning 28th moment, I got messages, bunch of messages to say happy birthday, to tell you the truth, I never have so many messages saying happy birthday right after midnight of my entire life. Guess that proves me that I have friends who care for me, and later that day I got more messages and my sister brought me a cake (which she made herself) with size of heart and she told me the reason she choose the patron coz she hopes that I can find another love (how sweet she is). I beginning to think, May be God wants to show me something.
In the afternoon, I had a visitor, a closed friend who came just to comfort me on my birthday coz he thought that I'm not supposed to be alone on my birthday and had a sappy birthday. We talked, talked and talked, when we finally figured out that we acctually have something in common that cannot be describe. He taught me alot of things about life. He told me that I own my life, that it's me who decided what I'm going to be, that God might have decided the colour of your life but He leaves it to you what to paint. Be happy, don't be scared to make mistakes, life is about learning, if we fail then we learn from failure. Just Be Happy. I know then I've found my happiness. I know now how my 28th birthday turning into. I wanna make beautiful paintings with whatever colours He gave me.
Happy 28th Birthday!